We turned @petsmart into a space to embrace the love for all pets.
We launched an hour long *stream* of a real GloFish tank set to lofi beats, showcasing the extraordinarily ~chill~ ambience that these bioluminscent fish bring. So go ahead, cast to your TV and soak up the glofi vibes.
Every 10 minutes, a message from the GloFish floats by.
We also launched the stream in the form of :60 paid ads. And turns out people enjoyed it so much, for the first time, they let an ad loop.
What would a cat want most on their special day? TO FINALLY TAKE OVER THE WORLD. Well, we couldn’t give them that. But we did let a cat (me) eat some catnip and take over our Twitter, and the cat community loved it.
Role: Writer
AD: Tessa Memmott
CD: Vince Feliciano, Josh Cassidy
AD: Tessa Memmott
CD: Vince Feliciano, Josh Cassidy